1:1 D1sc1pleship

Make disciples who make disciples

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus, following his resurrection, officially commissions his disciples to the task he has been preparing them for all long, “Go and make disciples”!

The goal of 1:1 Discipleship relationships is to meet this command head on by gathering together, in the way Jesus did with his disciples, to read, study, and discuss the Word of God. Spiritual transformation and reproduction are the two key markers of this discipleship process. Simply put, that you would be invested in as you grow in Christ and the knowledge of scripture and then at the right time you would lead others along this same path. 

The unfortunate reality is that many Christians have never really been discipled and further more many people who have been Christians for decades have never discipled someone, but there is hope! Our 1:1 Discipleship relationships are designed where any two believers can begin meeting and growing together, and we have step by step resources to help you get started. 


  • Gender specific and made up of 2-4 people 

  • They meet weekly or bi-weekly to grow as disciples. 

  • The primary focus and vast majority of time spent is reading, studying, discussing scripture/resources together. (1 to 1 Bible Reading model)

  • Other things to expect: Highly relational, good accountability, prayer with one another and for the lost. 


  • Gender specific and made up of 2-4 people 

  • They meet weekly or bi-weekly to grow as disciples. 

  • The primary focus and vast majority of time spent is reading, studying, discussing scripture/resources together. (1 to 1 Bible Reading model)

  • Other things to expect: Highly relational, good accountability, prayer with one another and for the lost. 


  • Gender specific and made up of 2-4 people.

  • They meet weekly or bi-weekly to grow as disciples. 

  • The primary focus and vast majority of time spent is reading, studying, discussing scripture/resources together. (1 to 1 Bible Reading model)

  • Other things to expect: Highly relational, good accountability, prayer with one another and for the lost. 


  • A replacement for Community Groups.

  • A Sunday school class.

  • An accountability group only.

  • Just sharing life or hanging out.

How do I join or sign up to lead a 1:1 D1sc1pleship Group?

  1. Fill out our Discipleship Survey online.

  2. You can also fill out a Connect Card (print or online) and one of our Pastors or Community Group leaders will reach out and help to get started.

  3. Or if you are ready, just grab some of our resources in the lobby and get started.

Ready to get started?

Fill out the discipleship survey.

Have questions about discipleship?

We’re here to help.